
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EdgeGridSigner (for .NET/c#)

This library assists in the interaction with Akamai's {Open} API found at http://developer.akamai.com. The API Spec can be found at: https://developer.akamai.com/api

Project organization

  • /EdgeGridAuth - core auth signere project
  • /EdgeGridAuthTest - MSTest unit tests
  • /OpenAPI - generic openapi.exe tool to demonstrate using the signer
  • /Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth.sln - root VisualStudio solution


  • Open the Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth.sln in Visual Studio; Rebuild All
  • OR MSBuild.exe Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth.sln /t:rebuild
  • Copy the Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth.dll to your application or solution.

Getting Started

  • Create an instance of the EdgeGridV1Signer and call either Sign (if you are managing the http communication yourself
  • or call Execute() to utilize built in safety checks

For example:

using Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth;

var signer = new EdgeGridV1Signer();
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientToken, accessToken, secret);

//TODO: create httpRequest via WebRequest.Create(uri);
signer.Sign(httpRequest, credential);

alternatively, you can use the execute() method to manage the connection and perform verification checks

using Akamai.EdgeGrid.Auth;

var signer = new EdgeGridV1Signer();
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientToken, accessToken, secret); 

//TODO: create httpRequest via WebRequest.Create(uri);
signer.Execute(httpRequest, credential);

Sample application (openapi.exe)

  • A sample application has been created that can take command line parameters.
-a akab-access1234
-c akab-client1234 
-s secret1234