Overview of my ever evolving homelab. Devices, Software, Network, and Appliances covered. homelab adjacent gear also included. Check back as there will be updates.
Background: In the Spring of 2023, I decided to build a homelab. Initial goals were modest, offload firewall and routing duties from the wireless access point and install a server or two to get some hands-on experience that wasn't directly in line with my day job. For those of you who came here from the Readme.md you can surmise that those goals have evolved quite a bit. I've found myself in the possession of a legitimate, onsite, small business network all in the basement (naturally cooled as the basement is below ground level). So what to do with it?
This section begins to answer that question. Initially, the focus of this wiki will be on my experience with the various software deployed in the homelab. However it isn't meant to be an installation overview - there a plenty of those out there - or a feature by feature in depth review. If I had to categorize what I am trying to convey it is my experience using the software at the moment in time in which the post was written.
Note: I purchased all of the hardware and selected all of the software myself, not my company and no corporate sponsors. To the contributors building the software I am relying upon please don't be offended by my comments. Remember, this is just my take at the moment in time in which it was written. And you'll have plenty of time to critique my code once that becomes the primary use case for the homelab.
Over time, as the custom software stack grows, I anticipate that the current readme will move to this page. Feedback welcome (although it might be ignored or I might be slow to respond). Be warned, while these musings are not exactly stream of consciousness, I am not writing and editing them offline. Will strive to be cogent but striving is not a guarantee.
Checkout the Wiki for details