
Get all your DTU course files synced to your computer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app allows you to sync all your DTU CampusNet files from your menu bar. It is build with electron so it works on both Mac and Windows! (Linux support would require minimal effort.)


You can either go the the website to download it or browse all version on github releases.


Check out package.json for the possible scripts to run. For a quick overview:

To develop run the following commands in two different sessions:

npm run watch
npm start

Dev Tips

  • To test the update flow: Run yarn dist with version one below the current version. This will trigger the update flow since a release exists with a higher version number.


Requirements for linux and windows distribution:

brew install gnu-tar graphicsmagick xz
brew install mono
brew install wine --without-x11


  • Promote tray icon on Windows.
  • Improve ugly icon on windows.
  • Add update button so it doesn't only check on startup.
  • Add Linux support.
  • Add List recently changed files.
  • Add List courses directly in the app.



Currently only the downloader module itself is tested – and this is not at all properly covered. Run on own responsibility! There is no mocking done so it will actually download the files.


This project was meant as a way to play around with electron development with reactJS. lessons learned:

  • Reflux/Flux can quickly get out of hand with its actions and reducers. Typechecking with Flow might help.
  • Immutables can seem redudant since you end up unpacking them with toJS. But they allow for strong shouldComponentUpdate check.
  • Electron is big..