
Prolog code generation from Isabelle's inner syntax

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Simple Prover Compiler

This project compiles a theorem prover written and proven with Isabelle and compiles it into Prolog. It does so in Haskell through several catamorphism that changes the Isabelle AST into a Prolog AST. It includes a Isabelle pretty printer only for testing the parser by exploiting that prettyPrint . parse = id.

It has three (brilliant) libraries as main dependencies:

  • Parsec for parsing Isabelle.
  • Recursive Schemes for generalized recursion methods like catamorphism and paramorphism.
  • PrettyPrint by Daan Leijen based on Philip Wadler's prettier printer.


To run Haskell tests:

stack test --file-watch

To generate and test the compiled prolog prover run:

make testprolog

General (manual) conversion approach

  1. Capitalize every argument
  2. Replace constants like ZeroNat.
  3. make more x1 x2 = y into
    | input is output -> more(A1, A2, Y).
    | input is func call -> more(A1, A2, Y) :- func(..., Y).
  4. If composition of functions then string together nested calls with ,(AND).
  5. Replace unused variables with _.

