
Install dependencies

This project require npm and nodejs. Get it here.

Now install developer dependencies (make sure you cd into the directory where package.json exists).

npm install


This will:

  1. watch the js to recompile on changes and livereload the website.
  2. Host the to-do website and PeerJS broker on http://localhost:3000.
npm run dev

These to processes can be run manually (problems running them combined have been deteched on Windows):

npm run watch
npm start

Where to look

The applications entry point is js/main.js. Here the heighest level react components is initialised as well as the network and tuplespace.


Deployment is done with dokku.

git remote add prod
git push prod master

This will run npm run build to build a production ready js bundle. Afterwards it will run node server.js to start the server.