
live coding of 3d surfaces and objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live editing of 3d objects and surface in the browser


"Wow that's fun!"

global functions

There are currently 3 types of functions:


All primitives are created centered around origin with the y axis being world "up"

  • cube(radius)
  • box(width, height, depth)
  • sphere(radius)
  • cylinder(radius, height)


Every shape has a bunch of operators associated with it.

note: each operator will return a new shape leaving the original unaffected

  • shape.translate(x, y, z)
  • shape.rotate(x, y, z) - in degrees
  • shape.cut(shape2[, shapeN..]) - remove shape2..shapeN from shape
  • shape.union(shape2[, shapeN..]) - combine shape2..shapeN together and return a the result
  • shape.intersect(shape2) - returns a shape that represents the intersection between shape and shape2

You can also use these operators without the chaining mechanism:

var y = 0;
var z = 0;

  translate(cube(10), x, y, z)


It is important to be able to display what you are building and modify the state of the editor. These functions allow you to do so

  • display(shape) or display([shape1, shape2, ..])


  • stl('filename.stl', shape1, shape2, ...) - download the selected shapes as an stl file

note: you can also pass an array of shapes as the second arg

var shapes = [
  cube(10).translate(20, 0, 0)

stl('filename.stl', shapes);