
Autorun scripts on a per IDB basis. Quick and dirty.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IDA Autoruns

IDA-Autoruns is a simple plugin to make a script run automatically every time you open a specific IDB.


Security Notice

This is a very bad idea for anything you get from other people. It just runs code. No sandboxing, no verification.


  1. pip install ida-settings
  2. Change EDITOR to your editor of choice. Important: The editing takes place once the editor process terminates.
  3. Copy autoruns.py into IDA's plugin directory.


  1. Press View -> Edit Autoruns to edit the autoruns script
  2. Be sure to save the IDB, as it will store the script
  3. The script will run automatically when you save it, and every time you load the IDB.


While this plugin is useful for small, IDB-specific hacks, I highly recommend using proper plugins whenever possible.