A reinforcement learning approach to multiobjective task allocation and planning in multiagent systems.

Primary LanguagePython

Multiagent Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning

Framework to support learned task allocation to a group of agents cooperating to complete a set fo tasks. The framework supports two scenarios.

  • Agent cooperation to complete tasks in a non-interacting environment
  • Agent cooperation to complete tasks in an environment where agents interact with each other

Tasks are formulated as deterministic finite automata (DFA). Agents then learn how to complete the tasks in parallel, i.e. there is no restriction for tasks to be completed in sequence. At the same time an allocation function approximation is also learned which contributes a deterministic task allocation to an agent.

Agents are modelled using an Actor-Critic model with the (optional) addition of an LSTM cell to learn sub-task sequencing better.


Activate a new virtual environment.

Install project with pip3 install -e . from project root directory. A series of gym.Env environments will be installed which inherit from the gym-minigrid environment originally found at: https://github.com/maximecb/gym-minigrid. Additional environments can be found in a2c_team_tf/envs, and wrappers in a2c_team_tf/utils/obs_wrapper.py.


  • TensorFlow 2.x
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • OpenAI Gym
  • Python 3.5+

For the teamgrid example to work, the project below is also required:


Examples of different environment implementations can be found in /examples

The first is a cooperative CartPole-v0 environment, where there are N agents and M tasks to be completed. This is an example of where non-interacting agents learn how to complete a set of tasks. Real-world examples of this could be independent warehousing/plant configurations where a set of tasks needs to be distributed to a set of agents. This script is implemented in /examples/cartpole_ex.py

The second implementation is an example of where agents interact in a single environment to learn how to complete a set of tasks. The environment is an augmented version of the gym-minigrid environment In this setting there are a number of challenges to overcome, including, how the agents learn to resolve conflicts such as moving to same square, or trying to pick up the same object. This script can be found in /examples/team_grid_ex.py

Specifying Tasks

Tasks are specified using DFA. As we consider multitask allocation for concurrent tasks we are actually interested in the cross product DFA. The base class for the product DFA (xDFA) and DFA can be found in a2c_team_tf/utils/dfa.py.

There are a number of ways to specify a DFA. The most important thing to note is how the transition function for the DFA is calculated. To determine the next state the DFA uses self.next(data, agent). Here data could be anything, a gym.Env, or a dictionary of attributes for example. It is general enough to describe what ever events which need to be calculated for task progress.

An example of DFA construction can be found in /examples/cartpole_ex.py. States of the DFA can be described using a class object which inherits the DFAStates class.

class MoveToPos(DFAStates, ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        self.init = "I"
        self.position = "P"
        self.fail = "F"

A transition function, in the context of CartPole-v0 which specifies the cart going left 0.5 units, can be specified as follows:

def go_left_to_pos(data, _):
    if data['state'][0] < -0.5 and not data['done']:
        return "P"
    elif data['done']:
        return "F"
        return "I"

The data object which the function takes as an input is a dictionary, in this case, with attributes:

data = {"state": _, "reward": _, "done": _}

The DFA can be constructed with a funtion, or scripted, as follows

def make_move_left_to_pos():
    dfa = DFA(start_state="I", acc=["P"], rej=["F"])
    dfa.states = MoveToPos()
    dfa.add_state(dfa.states.init, go_left_to_pos)
    dfa.add_state(dfa.states.position, finished_move)
    dfa.add_state(dfa.states.fail, failed)
    return dfa

Finally a cross product DFA which incorporates a number of tasks can be constructed using

left = make_move_to_left_pos()
dfas = [CrossProductDFA(num_tasks=num_tasks, dfas=[right, left], agent=agent) for agent in range(num_agents)]


To understand the mechanics of the implementation there are a number of tests which can be run. These are included in a2c_team_tf/tests. Tests on the CartPole-v0 environment using the independent environment library a2c_team_tf/lib/lib_mult_env.py can be examined in the script cartpole_tests.py. Conversely, the interacting environment library, a2c_team_tf/lib/tf_a2c_base.py is tested in the teamgrid_test.py script.


The neural network actor-critic models, are modelled using Keras layers in a Sub-class tensorflow model. A number of models are implemented in a2c_team_tf/nets/base.py. Depending on the architecture required, this could included an actor-critic model with a basic shared common dense layer and actor (action) and critic (task performance evaluation) outputs. Additionally, there is an independent network setup where separate actor, and critic networks can be learned. Finally, there is a network with a shared recurrent network layers which separates into a deep actor network, and critic network respectively. The number of action in the actor output layer is defined using the env.action_space.n. The number of critic outputs is the number of tasks + 1 (agent cost/reward value).


Given some learned model, a rendering of the learned allocation policy can be run using a2c_team_tf/utils/visualisation.py.

Data is stored asynchronously when training using AsyncWriter from a2c_team_tf/utils/data_capture.