
Simple ETH address overview frontend app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

(context: Done as a part of hiring process and interview in 2019/2020)


This a simple ETH account overview app where once you enter a valid ETH address, you get the information about your ETH, ERC20 balance, and a number of Argent guardians.

Useful commands

First install all the necessary dependencies by running yarn

Execute unit tests with yarn test

To run the project locally, execute yarn start

To build the project for production run yarn build and optimized production version will be present in build/ folder.

Repository structure

Repository has the following folder structure

|- src/
  |- config/
  |- components/
    |- hooks/
    |- services/
    |- screens/
    |- layouts/
  |- App.js

Let's break it down a bit. The entry point of the application is the App.js file.

screens/ folder contains all the screens we show, in this case only MainScreen since it is a single screen app.

/components contains basic components we use as building blocks for the app. Alongside each component is unit test for it.

/hooks folder contains reusable state logic. In this case it is only a useBlockchainData hook which enables us to use data obtained from the blockchain and third-party APIs.

/services contains connectors to blockchain and third-party APIs used by hooks/.