Uniswap V2 token swap example in Rust

This repository is the completed result for the article on my blog: TMS Blog - How to swap on Uniswap V2 with Rust Web3. This article describes how to execute a swap transaction of ETH for a token on the Uniswap V2 decentralized exchange.

Set up

This project expects certain environment variables to be set. The easiest way is to create a .env file containing the following values:


Where INFURA_RINKEBY is an endpoint from your infura.io account. PRIVATE_TEST_KEY is a private key from a crypto wallet / account. And, ACCOUNT_ADDRESS is a wallet account address.

Running the project

Caution: running the project with correct configuration will execute a swap of ETH for DAI without asking for confirmation. This example should be run on an Ethereum test network.

cargo run