
Super simple Express.js app to accept Stripe payments

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Obsoleted by Stripe Payment Links (2021)

Super Simple Stripe Checkout

Simple server and website to accept Stripe payments.

How to Use

The applicaiton requires:

  • A server supporting Node.js v4x or later
  • A valid SSL certificate for https:// connections (or head straight to Heroku, which comes SSL-enabled by default)
  • A Stripe account. D'oh.

Setting up should only take about 10 to 15 min if all basic bits are in place.


Once the app is up and running, there are a couple of ways to use it.

1. By letting your customer type the amount payable by themselves

Just head to https://www.example.com/ (home page), type a value and press Submit.

2. By sending a link with a pre-set amount to be paid

Send a link like https://www.example.com/pay/1,234.99. This will take your customer straight to the second step of the payment process.


Set your Stripe API keys.

These can go in config.json file in the root directory of the app, or set as ENV variables on your server or on Heroku.

    "SECRET": "sk_test_abcdef1234567890",
    "PUBLISHABLE": "pk_test_abcdef1234567890",

You can also set the TEST option to true to enable local testing without SSL (https://).


Remember to customise a few important things.


The app is set to use GBP by default. You should change this to your preferred currency in the follwing places:

  • index.js
  • views/index.pug
  • views/pay.pug


Make sure you set your name or company in:

  • views/layout.pug
  • views/pay.pug

Your logo should also replace the files in:

  • public/images/logo.png (324x158)
  • public/images/stripe-logo.png (128x128, round-cropped)

I guess that's it?


The code in this repository is licensed for use by anyone under the terms of the MIT license.