FREE open-source components for creating powerful, feature-rich UI applications, targetting 4 frameworks and 5+ operating systems.

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Installation notes

Each subfolder of this repository contains a set of files based on the TMS FNC Core.
To install these components, please follow the steps below.


  1. Create a new package
  2. Add the FMX*.pas files to the package
  3. Add dependencies to FMXTMSFNCCorePkg**.dcp
  4. Build and install the package
  5. Update the library path with the local folder source checkout of the subfolder of this repository


  1. Create a new package
  2. Add the VCL*.pas files to the package
  3. Add dependencies to VCLTMSFNCCorePkg**.dcp
  4. Build and install the package
  5. Update the library path with the local folder source checkout of the subfolder of this repository
  6. For WEB: update the TMS WEB library path under Options


  1. Create a new package
  2. Add the LCL*.pas files to the package
  3. Add dependencies to LCLTMSFNCCorePkg
  4. Build and install the package


Each subfolder of this repository contains a page that contains a code snippet to get up and running.

*:The name of the units you want to add.
**:The version of RAD Studio you are using (ex. XE12 = RAD Studio 10.3 Rio).