
React E-commerce Website designed to interact with the backend using mySQL and NodeJS to the frontend of React.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is my Ecommerce App on Proper Watch. I wanted to create a website that mirros off of Conor McGregor's Proper Whiskey business. Throughout the website, you will see classical watches that range from a wide variety of style as well as price range. I wanted to pay homage to McGregor's homeland, Ireland. The website is full of Irish pride and represents their colors in a sleek design.


This project is done in React and the front end is entirely based off of React components. We used this because we replaced our full static e-commerce page and converted it into React. This allowed us to sync our backend databases with our frontend which means that we no longer needed to use JS for the filtering of products.


The back end of the project was done using Node JS, mySql, and then linking these together to the frontend. This was utilized heavily throughout this project and it allowed for us to easily post our product data along with our customer data to the frontend.


Make sure to clone this repo in the directory of your choosing

git clone https://github.com/bshin9/React_Ecom.git

In the terminal, run this code in order to download all the node modules needed

$ npm install

Then start the app

$ npm start

Make sure to include your own .env file in the root of the directory


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This was created by Brian Shin.
