
Playing with django

Primary LanguagePythonArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0



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  • $ pip install django==1.7.4
  • $ pip install pytz
    • Python timezone module
    • Django doesn't technically require this, because Django likes the "we can run with no prerequisites" thing. But having this installed appears to be A Good Thing.


Admin script

  • django-admin.py
    • django-admin.py startproject mysite
      • Project names cannot conflict with Python builtins or Django components. So no "python" or "test" etc for project names.
    • Django has both apps and projects. The distinction is that an app is meant to do one thing (a poll, an admin section, a blog, whatever). A Project can include multiple apps.
    • django-admin.py creates projects. The manage.py inside one of those projects creates apps.

Project scripts

The following paths assume you used 'mysite' as the site name.

  • mysite/mysite/settings.py
    • Edit this. No part of the tut has mentioned running it; I assume it just gets pulled in when the app runs.
    • Timezone, database setup, etc.
      • Yes, mysite/mysite/.
    • Contains a list of other Django applications that will be included in this one (INSTALLED_APPS). To initialize those apps, you'll need to use manage.py
  • mysite/manage.py
    • Gets created automatically when you use django-admin.py to create a new project.
    • $ python manage.py migrate
      • Initializes the apps listed in settings.py, so you may want to edit that first before running this.
      • Only runs migrations that haven't been run yet.
    • $ python manage.py runserver
      • start the development server
      • Defaults to port 8000. If you want, change with $ python manage.py runserver 8080 (or whatever)
      • Autodetects and reloads itself on changes in existing files.
        • Does not detect new files; for that you need to do a manual restart.
        • If you save a syntax error while this auto-reloading is running, it'll explode.
          Just fix your error and restart it.
      • http://localhost:8000/
      • http://localhost:8000/admin
        • provided you left the admin contribution in INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
        • This is pretty seksi. Overall it's doing basic stuff, but it's doing it well and thoroughly.
    • $ python manage.py startapp <APPNAME>
      • Creates an app under your project
      • After your app has been set up, add its name to your site's settings.py under INSTALLED_APPS.
    • $ python manage.py makemigrations <APPNAME>
      • Uses 's models to generate migration scripts
    • $ python manage.py sqlmigrate <APPNAME> <MIGRATION_NUMBER>
      • Displays the SQL for a given app's given migration.
    • $ python manage.py check
      • Checks for problems in your project without making any changes.
    • $ python manage.py shell
      • Starts a python shell, much like simply running $ python would do. But doing it via manage.py sets some paths so the shell knows how to find your app components.
      • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/intro/tutorial01/
        • Search for "Once you’re in the shell, explore the" for examples of how to browse models using the shell.
    • $ python manage.py createsuperuser
      • Starts an interactive session in which you enter login creds for your superuser, who will be able to access the admin site.

App scripts

  • <APPNAME>/models.py
    • See the Models section for details.
  • <APPNAME>/admin.py
    • Edit this to tell the admin section app that this app should have an admin interface.
    • See polls/admin.py for eg


After creating an app, you'll have /models.py. Add models to this as classes.
See polls/models.py as eg.

After setting up your model, remember to run "manage.py makemigrations ." To see the SQL in any of the individual migrations: $ python manage.py sqlmigrate polls 0001

When you're happy with that, go ahead and run your new models' migrations: $ python manage.py migrate

Any time you need to make changes to your models, re-run manage.py with first makemigrations, and then migrate.


  • No templates directory gets created as part of the initial setup. If you want custom templates, create a directory under your project directory) and add its name to mysite/settings.py. I'll assume you're naming your directory "templates".

    • TEMPLATE_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')]
  • To modify the look of the admin section:

    • Create templates/admin/
    • Copy the default template from the contributed admin app into your new admin/ directory.
      • I found the admin app's templates here: ~/work/python/virtualenvs/Django/lib/python3.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/