
Python API Wrapper for the Internet Chuck Norris Database http://www.icndb.com/api/

Primary LanguagePython


Python API Wrapper for the Internet Chuck Norris Database http://www.icndb.com/api/

Requirements: Python 3.x


>>> import icndb
>>> joke = icndb.fetchRandom()
>>> print(joke)
>>> print(_ for _ in icndb.fetchRandom(number=5, firstName="Octo", lastName="Cat"))

More detailed example is located at tester.py.

List of available functions:

  • fetchRandom(number, firstName, lastName, limitTo, exclude) - fetches number of random jokes from categories specified by limitTo or exclude with main character's name replaced with specified by firstName/lastName.
  • fetchCategories - fetches list of available categories
  • fetchNumberOfJokes - returns total amount of jokes in database
  • fetchByID(id, firstName, lastName) - returns single joke from Database with main character's name replaced with specified by firstName/lastName