
Pixel Art Map Editor

Primary LanguageVue

Checker Dungeon Editor

A point and click pixel art dungeon editor. https://octal-dungeon-editor.netlify.app/

Initial inspiration for this project came from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVCrXXfDQcQ&t=2s](JP Coovert's video on Pixel Art Dungeons) and MS Paint.

This editor makes extensive use of the [https://crowbarska.itch.io/eggbit-dungeon-tileset](Eggbit Dungeon Tileset) by Crowbarska. It is a fantastic pixel art tileset and I highly recommend it. If you like using this editor, please consider supporting the creator of the tileset.

The font “PixGamer” by “Bryndan Meyerholt” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/). The font can be found here: [https://www.fontspace.com/pixgamer-font-f85447](PixGamer Font)


  • Point and click tile placement
  • Multiple Tileset selection
  • Tile erasing (click any blank tile in the palette to change to erase mode )
  • Pixel Art tileset
  • Click and drag tile placement
  • show and hide grid

Future Features

  • place random tiles
  • add a footer with credits
  • increase/decrease grid size and allow mobile users to pan/zoom
  • export to png
  • export/import json data
  • CMD+Z undo
  • preset walls (e.g enter 2x4 to create a 2x4 room outline)
  • Tile mirroring
  • Tile selection
  • Tile rotation
  • Refactor Click and drag tile placement ( works great on the built site but its laggy on localhost dev)
  • Erase on right click
  • CMD+C copy
  • CMD+V paste
  • CMD+X cut
  • CMD+Y redo
  • edit multiple levels in one session
  • upload custom tilesets

Project setup and local dev

# npm
npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

# npm
npm run dev

Compiles and minifies for production

# npm
npm run build

Lints and fixes files

# npm
npm run lint