This project is work in progress
I wanted to track inventory for a handful of sites with high demand products and this Slack app the user facing portion used to select products of interest and relay stock and price change notifications.
Inventory data is aquired on a scheduled basis using Prefect aataflow automation. Prefect Cloud is usde to orchestrate flow runs which are executed by the Prefect Agent in ECS. Up-to-date product inventory data is retained within RDS and changed trigger the creation of audit records.
The Inventory Tracking Notification and Management Services are backed by the same RDS instance as the scraping services.
graph TB
linkStyle default interpolate linear
subgraph kubernetes["Microk8s"]
direction LR
subgraph knative[Knative]
direction LR
kn_source_kafka(Knative Source for Apache Kafka)
kn_slack_bolt(fab:fa-python Knative Slack Bolt)
kn_source_kafka -- CloudEvents --> kn_slack_bolt
subgraph kafka[Kafka Services]
direction LR
debezium[Debezium CDC]
kafka_topic[product_notifications topic]
subgraph Y["fab:fa-aws Amazon Web Services"]
direction LR
rds[(RDS PostgreSQL)]
slack(fab:fa-slack Slack)
rds --> debezium --> kafka_topic
kafka_topic --> kn_source_kafka
kn_slack_bolt <-. Websockets .-> slack
kn_slack_bolt <--> rds
click kn_source_kafka "" "Knative Source for Apache Kafka" _blank
Python Slack Bolt application that runs on Knative Serving and receives notifications via CloudEvents from Knative Eventing's Knative Source for Apache Kafka.
This app also features the ability for Slack users to search available products and toggle notifications.
Knative Source for Apache Kafka listens to Kafka topics and relays messages to specified sink as a Cloud Event.
Notification event topic broker.
Listens to change events for specific tables and sends them to the Slack Bolt App to deliver the notification.