
Reads Valheim save data and outputs it to a JSON file

Primary LanguageJava

Valheim Save Tools

This tool converts Valheim save files to and from JSON. The following formats are supported:

  • World data files (.db)
  • World metadata files (.fwl)
  • Character files (.fch)


Build the project with gradlew shadowJar, a jar with all dependencies included will be created. Use the produced build/libs/valheim-save-tools.jar.

This project uses Lombok (https://projectlombok.org/) to prevent boilerplate code. To fix compile errors in your IDE, make sure you have a plugin installed for that.


java -jar valheim-save-tools.jar <input> <output>

For reading game files: Input should specify a .db, .fwl, or .fch file, output is where the json file will be written

For writing game files: Input should specify a .json file, output should specify a .db or .fwl file.