
The toukoukun-bot is designed for Discord, aiming to automate the posting of tasks at scheduled intervals. The core functionality centers around three primary schedules: daily, weekly, and monthly. All bots are set to run automatically at precise times using the node-cron package. After completing their tasks, the bots shut down.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The toukoukun-bot is designed for Discord, aiming to automate the posting of tasks at scheduled intervals. The core functionality centers around three primary schedules: daily, weekly, and monthly. All bots are set to run automatically at precise times using the node-cron package. After completing their tasks, the bots shut down, optimizing resource consumption.

How to Use

Before running the bot, you'll need to set up your Discord token.

Step 0: Install discord.js and node-cron

Install the recommended version 13 of discord.js and latest version of node-cron to your local repository.

npm install discord.js@v13-lts
npm install node-cron

Step 1: Create the Configuration File

Create a new file named token.json in the root directory of your project.

Step 2: Add the Token

You can easily get the channel ID by setting dev mode in Discord app. Copy and paste the following content into token.json:


⚠️ Warning: Never commit your token.json with your actual token to any public repositories. It's crucial to keep your Discord bot token confidential.

Step 3: Run the Bot

Once you have set up your token in the token.json file, you can run your bot using the following command:

node toukou-kun.js