
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An implementation of "Exchangeable deep neural networks for set-to-set matching and learning" (link).

This repository contains two models for set matching problem.

  • Set Transformer: A model for set-to-element matching problem.
  • Set Matching: A model for set-to-set matching problem.

Set up

git clone https://github.com/tn1031/set-matching-pytorch.git
cd set-matching-pytorch
poetry install


Prepare the dataset for "Outfit Compatibility Prediction" tasks. The following two tasks are implemented in this repository.

  • Fill in the blank (FITB): The problem of matching incomplete outfit and item. See [3] for details.
  • Fill in the N blanks (FINBs): Matching problems between two complementary oufits. See [1] for details.

Go here and download the IQON3000 dataset. For details on the dataset, please see [2].

Creating label files

After unzipping, run the following commands to create label files for training and testing.

poetry run python make_iqon_dataset.py \
--data_dir       <The path to the directory where the unzipped IQON3000 is located.> \
--min_set_size   <Minimum value of set size. Outfits that are smaller than this will not be used.> \
--n_candidates   <Number of choices in a question (FITB/FINBs).> \
--n_mix          <Mixture number of outfit (FINBs).> \
--max_set_size_x <Query set size (FINBs).> \
--max_set_size_y <Candidate set size (FINBs).> \
--train_size     <Ratio of data for training.> \
--test_size      <Ratio of data for testin. The rest are used for validation.>

Four files will be created under the directory specified by data_dir.

  • train.json, valid.json: for training and validation.
  • test_fitb.json: for FITB problem.
  • test_finbs.json: for FINBs problem.


It provides two models, SetTransformer and SetMatching, where SetTransformer is for FITB and SetMatching is for FINBs.


# Training
poetry run python train.py model=set_transformer

# Testing (FITB)
poetry run python eval.py model=set_transformer eval.modelckpt=<path to the set transformer model checkpoint>


# Training
poetry run python train.py model=set_matching

# Testing (FINBs)
poetry run python eval.py model=set_matching eval.modelckpt=<path to the set matching model checkpoint>

Settings and Hyperparameters

The parameters for each model can be found in set_transformer.yaml and set_matching.yaml. Also, see config.yaml for parameters common to training and testing.


  • [1] Saito, et al., Exchangeable deep neural networks for set-to-set matching and learning, ECCV (2020).
  • [2] Song, et al., GP-BPR: Personalized Compatibility Modeling for Clothing Matching, ACM MM (2019).
  • [3] Han, et al., Learning Fashion Compatibility with Bidirectional LSTMs, ACM MM (2017).