
Bot that allows clients to monitor availibility of web resourse by URL and recieve notifications once the resource is down.

Primary LanguagePython


Bot that allows clients to monitor availibility of web resourse by URL and recieve notifications once the resource is down. Written entirely in python.


  • sqlalchemy
  • telegram


From command line:

$ python3 -m availtgbot -h
usage: python -m availtgbot [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-i INTERVAL] [-m MINIMUM] [-v]

Web Availibility telegram bot.

positional arguments:
  token                 Your telegram API token.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Minimum interval between URL checks in sec. If not
                        specified, in-memory storage used.
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Default interval between URL checks in sec.
  -m MINIMUM, --minimum MINIMUM
                        Minimum interval between URL checks in sec.
  -v, --verbose         Output level with corresponding verbosity: -v, -vv,
                        -vvv .


$ python3 -m availtgbot API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE -i 10 -m 3 -vvv

In-code usage:

>>> import availtgbot
>>> bot = availtgbot.Bot(token="API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")
>>> bot.start()
>>> # Do something
>>> bot.stop()