
Document Depot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DocDepot - Depot for Files

API and Client

This repository contains a simple file deposition API, "Depose Files," built using Flask. Additionally, there is a Python client, "DocDepot Client," that interacts with the API. Below is the documentation for both the API and the client.

Depose Files API

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to set up and run the Depose Files API on your local machine.


Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/tna76874/docdepot.git
  2. Change to the project directory:

    cd docdepot
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Set environment variables:

    • DOCDEPOT_API_KEY: API key for authentication (default is "test").
    • DOCDEPOT_SHOW_INFO: Show additional information in HTML templates (default is "False").
    • DOCDEPOT_SHOW_RESPONSE_TIME: Show response time in HTML templates (default is "False").
    • DOCDEPOT_SHOW_TIMESTAMP: Show timestamp in HTML templates (default is "False").
  • Run the application:

    python docdepot.py

    The API will be accessible at

API Endpoints

  • POST /api/add_document: Add a new document.
  • POST /api/generate_token: Generate a new token for a document.
  • DELETE /api/delete_token: Delete a token.
  • DELETE /api/delete_user: Delete a user and associated documents, tokens, and files.
  • PUT /api/update_token_valid_until: Update the 'valid_until' date of a token.
  • GET /api/average_time_for_all_users: Retrieve the average time span for each user between document upload time and the first token event.
  • POST /api/rename_users: Rename users.

Retrieving Documents

Access documents using their unique tokens:

  • GET /document/{token}: Retrieve and serve the requested document.
  • GET /{token}: Render the index page with document information.

Building and Running with Docker

docker-compose up -d

The DocDepot API will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.

DocDepot Client


The DocDepot Client is a Python script that interacts with the Depose Files API. You can use it to perform various actions such as uploading a document, generating tokens, deleting tokens or users, updating token validity, and retrieving average times for all users.


Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the repository as described above.
  2. pip install .
  3. Set the following environment variables:
    • DOCDEPOT_API_KEY: API key for authentication.
    • DOCDEPOT_API_HOST: Host URL for the Depose Files API (default is "http://localhost:5000").


Use the script from the command line with the following options:

ddclient --action <action> [additional options]

Available Actions:

  • upload: Upload a PDF document.
  • generate_token: Generate a new token for a document ID.
  • delete_token: Delete a token.
  • delete_user: Delete a user and associated documents, tokens, and files.
  • update_token_valid_until: Update the 'valid_until' date of a token.
  • get_average_times: Retrieve the average time span for each user between document upload time and the first token event.

Additional Options:

  • --host: DocDepot server host URL (default is "http://localhost:5000").
  • --document_id: Document ID for token-related actions.
  • --token_value: Token value for token-related actions.
  • --valid_until: New valid_until value for the update_token_valid_until action.
  • --user_uid: User UID for user-related actions.
  • --file_path: Path to the PDF file for the upload action.

Example Usage:

ddclient --action upload --title "My Document" --filename "document.pdf" --user_uid "user123" --file_path "/path/to/document.pdf"

This will upload a document to the Depose Files API.

For more information on available actions and options, run:

ddclient --help


Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or creating pull requests.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 - see the LICENSE file for details.