Home Assistant Appdeamon app for a Novy Hood. This uses an RFXCOM interface which is controlled directly by the app. No other functions are possible with the RFXCOM.
It also has an code for a Zigbee remote using Deconz to replace the original.
Remember to add the serial
python package to the AppDaemon config, otherwise it will not work.
Example config:
module: novy
class: NovyHoodControl
name: fan.novy
friendly_name: Dampkap
port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433XL_DO40IZIO-if00-port0
id: tradfri_remote_control
up: 5002
down: 4002
toggle: 1002
Code is provided as-is without licence requirement, but also without warranty. Use at your own risk.