
IP problem formulation

Let there be $n$ nodes $x_1, \dots, x_n$. Each node has an associated decision variable $y_i$ that corresponds to whether it should be in the path or not. The path starts at node $s$ and ends at node $t$. Let $c_i$ represent whether a node is claimed. Let $\ell_i$ be the length of a node: $\ell_i > 0$ for taxiway nodes and $\ell_i = 0$ for intersection nodes.

Objective: $\min \sum_{i \in [n]} y_i \ell_i$


  • $y_s \ge 1$

    • The start node must be in the path
  • $y_t \ge 1$

    • The end node must be in the path
  • $\sum_{i \in [n]} c_i y_i \le 0$

    • No claimed node can be on the path
  • $\sum_{(s,j) \in E} y_j \le 1$

    $\sum_{(s,j) \in E} y_j \ge 1$

    • The number of nodes connected to the start that are in the path must be 1 (meaning the start is at an endpoint of the path)
  • $\sum_{(t,j) \in E} y_j \le 1$

    $\sum_{(t,j) \in E} y_j \ge 1$

    • The number of nodes connected to the end that are in the path must be 1 (meaning the start is at an endpoint of the path)
  • $\sum_{(i,j) \in E} y_j \le 2y_i + M(1-y_i) \hspace{1cm} i \in [n] \setminus {s, t}$

    $\sum_{(i,j) \in E} y_j \ge 2y_i - M(1-y_i) \hspace{1cm} i \in [n] \setminus {s, t}$

    • Any node in the path that is not the start or end node must have exactly 2 neighbors