Nate's Dotfiles

Dotfiles to make getting a familiar dev environment up and running easily on any OSX machine.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install package manager and dependencies with a system-specific script:
    • for Mac
    • for Ubuntu
  3. Copy dotfiles and settings with
  4. Place shared SSH keys in ~/.ssh
  5. Edit the .extra file appropriately
  6. (Optional) Set up sensible mac defaults with .macos
  7. (Optional) Set Ubuntu terminal colors to:
  • Default Text: #EEEEEC
  • Default Background: #1C1C1C
> git clone && cd dotfiles
> ./
> ./
> cd ~/
> cp /path/to/your/keys ~/.ssh/
> vim .extra
> ./.macos

For optional dependencies, there are a set of installer scripts automatically appended to the path. They are all prefixed with install- and located in the bin directory.

> install-go-tools

Manual Stuff

  1. Open up Sublime Text and install the package manager.

  2. Install Dropbox and log in (should require 2FA). We'll use dropbox to sync a bunch of application settings between machines.

  3. To sync sublime text settings, remove the default user folder and symlink the sync'd dropbox folder.

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
rm -r User
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Shared/Sublime/User
  1. Make sure VIM is set up and dependencies are installed. Open up VIM and run

Note: On Mac, sublime package config (first line in code above) is in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/

Adding New Tools


Edit the top of .vim/ to add or remove vim packages that will be set up using Pathogen. The installer script is automatically called by the bootstrap script and should work cross platform.

The Standard TNB Toolbox


Inspired by (and thanks to):


  • Solarized theme support
  • Complete .macos defaults setup
  • Use Pathogen for VIM plugins
  • Ubuntu / Linux support
  • Migrate brew installs to a brewfile
  • Automate Sublime install and config
  • Add better support for golang to Vim