
A Javascript pyramid - Test project for later incorporation into the IntlPop project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A horizontal, two-sided bar chart with a centered y-axis. Useful for comparing two sets of data. Clone, fire up your favorite webserver, and check out the demo.

This project is still very much in development and function names and parameters may change as I see fit, without notice.


You must include jQuery, jQueryUI, and Tipsy in your code before Pyramid. Information for these libraries can be found at the following links:


Include the css/pyramid.css and js/pyramid.js source code in your project.

In your HTML, include a div with the class pyramid. It should look something like this:

<div class="pyramid"></div>

When the DOM has loaded, you will need to execute some javascript to initialize and build the pyramid. See js/main.js for an example.

First, you need to initialize the pyramid. This is done with the initPyramid function. This function takes two parameters:

  • eventListener : The callback function that will be triggered anytime the left or right values change. For example: if the user drags one of the bars of the chart, resizing it, the new size is converted to a value proportional to the relative bar size and then saved in place of the old value. Then, the eventListener function is called with the parameters leftValues and rightValues. These parameters are arrays of 21 integers. See main.js for a working example.
  • maxval : This is the maximum value of the plot range in units related to the data. In the case of the IntlPop project, the maximum population allowed on the plot should be given for this value.

Execute something like the following:

P.initPyramid(valsWereChanged, 20000000);

Next, you need to add some initial values. Call the drawPyramid() method with two or three parameters:

  • leftValues : An array of 21 integers between 0 and the maximum value that you specified when you initialized the pyramid. These values will be represented on the left side of the pyramid.
  • rightValues : An array of 21 integers between 0 and the maximum value that you specified when you initialized the pyramid. These values will be represented on the right side of the pyramid.
  • maxval : This is the maximum value of the plot range in units related to the data. You can update this parameter from whatever you used in the initialization function if necessary.


Lets say we have an HTML document with the following div:

<div class="pyramid"></div>

Then our javascript would need to include something like the following:

// Will be called whenever any of the left or right pyramid values
// were changed by the user dragging and resizing one of the bars.
var valsWereChanged = function (mVals, fVals) {

var leftValues = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21];
var rightValues = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21];

P.initPyramid(valsWereChanged, 25);
P.drawPyramid(leftValues, rightValues);