
Some examples and utilities to use the Google Earthengine from Python code

Primary LanguagePython

TNC California Conservation Technology EarthEngine Workflows

This repository contains EarthEngine work flows to be shared, used, and re-used by Conservation tech

Preparation (for all examples)

Please try to replicate and create Github issues whenever you get stuck. The goal is to have a tutorial that is easy to reproduce. Getting stuck will reflect on me, my writing, or my implicit assumptions.

1. Create a conda environment

Performan this step only once to get started with the project, everything created here will persist on your system unless explicitely deleted:

  • Open your Conda enabled terminal (Windows: Cmd symbol in the Anaconda/Miniconda/Conda directory of the start menu). The prompt inidicating that you are in the conda base environment should look something like this:

    (base) C:/{...}
  • Git clone this repo (make sure Git is installed) in a directory (wherever you would like to store it):

    git clone https://github.com/tnc-ca-geo/ee_workflows.git
  • Install the conda environment defined within this project:

    • change directory (cd) to the ee_workflows folder created by git clone

    • create environment from the environment definition in this repository

    conda env create -f environment.yml     

2. Activate and update the environment and update code

Every time you work on the project

  • Open a conda-enabled terminal

  • Activate the conda environment created above

    conda activate ee_workflows
  • It might be necessary to update the conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Pull the newest changes fom Github

    • change into the root directory of this project and call
    git pull origin master

3. Proceed to example projects

Change into the subdirectory for the project in question.