
A C++11 library for real-time multithreaded data exchange. Uses atomics on handles to push updates from one writer to one or more readers without copying, allocating, or waiting.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The purpose of RWSync is to allow one "writer" thread to continally update some arbitrary piece of information and N "reader" threads to retrieve the latest version of that information that has been "pushed" by the writer, without any thread having to wait to acquire a mutex or allocate memory on the heap (aside from internal allocations depending on the data structure used). For one reader and one writer, this requires three instances of whatever data type is being shared to be allocated upfront; for an arbitrary number of readers N, it requires N + 2 instances. During operation, "pushing" from the writer and "pulling" to a reader are accomplished by exchanging atomic indices between slots indicating what each instance is to be used for, rather than any actual copying or allocation.


The library is only 4 files in a flat structure: two headers, a "template implementation" header, and a C++ implementation file. These only use the C++11 standard library and can be easily incorporated in various projects.

There is also a CMake build file to create a common library for the Open Ephys GUI under RWSync/OpenEphysCMakeBuild. (See: Plugin CMake Builds)


You can either use a container, which manages the construction and destruction of all data instances along with the synchronization logic and gives you pointers to write to and read from, or a manager, which just does the sync logic and gives you an index to use when accessing your own data structures.

Container interface

  • There are two constructible subclasses of the abstract Container class:

    • RWSync::FixedContainer<T, N=1> if you have fixed number of maximum readers N;
    • RWSync::ResizableContainer<T> if the number of maximum readers is unknown.

    Here, T is the type of data that needs to be exchanged. A ResizableContainer<T> can only be created if T is copy-constructible, since new data instances to support additional readers have to be copied from a template.

  • The constructor either type of container takes whatever arguments would be used to construct each T object, for instance:

    RWSync::FixedContainer<std::array<int, 5>> myArrayContainer({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

    would construct a container that allows one reader, with each data instance initialized to the array { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.

  • Any function that takes a reference to the data type can be called on all copies using the apply method as long as there are no active readers or writers. You can pass any callable with the correct signature, such as a lambda.

  • The reset method on a container brings you back to the state where no writes have been performed yet. Can only be called when no read or write pointers exist.

  • To write data, construct a RWSync::WritePtr<T> with the container as an argument. This can be used as a normal pointer. It can be acquired, written to, and released multiple times and will keep referring to the same instance until pushUpdate() is called, at which point this instance is released for reading and a new one is acquired for writing.

    Note that on construction and after calling pushUpdate(), there are no guarantees about the contents of the new data instance owned by a WritePtr. Generally it will have some data that was previously written and then read, and will have to be cleared or just overwritten with the new data.

  • To read, construct a RWSync::ReadPtr<T> with the container as an argument. This can be used as a normal pointer, but first wait for canRead() to return true - this will be false until at least one write has occurred.

  • If you want to get the latest update from the writer without destroying the read pointer and constructing a new one, you can call the pullUpdate() method.

  • If you attempt to create two write pointers to the same Container, the second one will be effectively null; you can check for this with isValid() (if isValid() ever returns false, this should be considered a logic error since a program shouldn't create writers to the same container in multiple places). The same is true of read pointers, except the limit is the number of allocated readers rather than 1.

  • You can also create a GuaranteedReadPtr<T> if you have a ResizableContainer<T>, which will never be invalid. The tradeoff is that it might have to alloate a new data instance during construction. Still use canRead() to make sure you're not reading before a write has occurred.

  • If you find yourself in a situation with an invalid pointer, you can use tryToMakeValid() to try to get an available data instance rather than constructing a new pointer. This is probably not a good way of doing things.

  • The hasUpdate() method on a ReadPtr returns true if there is new data from the writer that has not been read by this reader yet. After a call to hasUpdate() returns true, the current read ptr is guaranteed to be readable after calling pullUpdate().

Manager interface

  • An RWSync::Manager directly works similarly to a container; the main difference is that you are responsible for allocating and accessing the data, and the Manager just tells you which index into your structure to use as for reads and writes.

  • To write, use an RWSync::WriteIndex instead of a WritePtr. This can be converted to int to use directly as an index, and has a pushUpdate() method that works the same way as for the write pointer. The index can be -1 (i.e. invalid) if you try to create two write indices with the same manager.

  • To read, use an RWSync::ReadIndex instead of a ReadPtr. This works how you would expect and also has a pullUpdate() method. Check whether it is valid before using by calling canRead() or hasUpdate() and pullUpdate().

  • RWSync::Lockout is a scoped try-lock for both readers and writers; it will be "valid" iff no read or write indices exist at the point of construction. By constructing one of these and proceeding only if it is valid, you can make changes to each data instance outside of the reader/writer framework (instead of using map() on a container).