A Wrapper of Open Tok (Tokbox) API for elixir.
The OpenTok Elixir SDK lets you generate sessions and tokens for OpenTok applications, and archive OpenTok sessions.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ex_opentok
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:ex_opentok, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_opentok. Allow bundler to install the change.
$ mix deps.get
Add a config setting in your config.ex with your OpenTok API key and API secret.
config :ex_opentok,
iss: "project",
key: System.get_env("OPENTOKSDK_KEY"),
secret: System.get_env("OPENTOKSDK_SECRET"),
ttl: 300
To create an OpenTok Session, use the Opentok.init()
or ExOpentok.Session.create()
functions. A map is returned with every informations which could be usefulls
(like sessionId) that can be saved to a persistent store (e.g. database).
iex(1)> ExOpentok.init()
%{:api_key => "01234567",
:token => "T1==cGFydG5lcl9pZD00NTgxMTExMiZzaWc9OUVBOTIyQjlFQzM0NUIxNkI3NcGFydG5lcl9pZD00NTgxMTExMiZzaWc9OUVBOTIyQjlFQzM0NUIxNkI3NcGFydG5lcl9pZD00NTgxMTExMiZzaWc9OUVBOTIyQjlFQzM0NUIxNkI3NcGFydG5lcl9pZD00NTgxMTExMiZzaWc9OUVBOTIyQjlFQzM0NUIxNkI3N==",
"create_dt" => "Tue Apr 11 08:56:40 PDT 2017",
"ice_credential_expiration" => 86100, "ice_server" => nil,
"ice_servers" => nil, "media_server_hostname" => nil,
"media_server_url" => "", "messaging_server_url" => nil,
"messaging_url" => nil, "partner_id" => "01234567",
"project_id" => "01234567", "properties" => nil,
"session_id" => "1_MX40MX40NTgxMMX40NTgxMMX40NTgxMMX40NTgxMMX40NTgxMMX40NTg",
"session_status" => nil, "status_invalid" => nil, "symphony_address" => nil}
Once a Session is created, you can start generating Tokens for clients to use when connecting to it.
You can generate a token either by calling the ExOpentok.Token.generate(session_id)
# Generate a Token from just a session_id (fetched from a database)
token = ExOpentok.Token.generate(session_id)
You can start the recording of an OpenTok Session using the ExOpentok.Archive.start(session_id)
method. This will return an OpenTok::Archive
# Create an Archive
archive = ExOpentok.Archive.start(session_id)
You can stop the recording of a started Archive using the ExOpentok.Archive.stop(archive_id)
# Stop an Archive from an archive_id (fetched from database)
To get an ExOpentok.Archive
map (and all the information about it) from an archive_id
, use
the ExOpentok.Archive.find(archive_id)
iex(1)> ExOpentok.Archive.find(archive_id)
%{"createdAt" => 1491682306000, "duration" => 21, "hasAudio" => true,
"hasVideo" => true, "id" => "5c48fb135c48fb13e581d8ed5c48fb13",
"name" => "Elixir Archiving Sample App", "outputMode" => "composed",
"partnerId" => 123456789, "password" => "", "projectId" => 123456789,
"reason" => "user initiated",
"sessionId" => "1_5c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb13-fg",
"sha256sum" => "97+WlyjwonBOTK7FwonBOTK7FwonBOTK7FwonBOTK7Fw=",
"size" => 1742751, "status" => "expired", "updatedAt" => 1491943883000,
"url" => nil}
To delete an Archive, you can call the ExOpentok.Archive.delete(archive_id)
# Delete an Archive from an archive_id (fetched from database)
iex(1)> ExOpentok.Archive.delete(archive_id)
You can also get a list of all the Archives you've created (up to 1000) with your API Key. This is
done using the ExOpentok.Archive.list()
function. Parameters %{offset: 0, count: 1000}
is an optional map
used to specify an :offset
and :count
to help you paginate through the results.
iex(1)> ExOpentok.Archive.list()
# or
iex(1)> ExOpentok.Archive.list(%{offset: 0, count: 1000})
%{"count" => 1,
"items" => [%{"createdAt" => 1491682306000, "duration" => 21,
"hasAudio" => true, "hasVideo" => true,
"id" => "5c48fb13-f5c48fb13-5c48fb13",
"name" => "Ruby Archiving Sample App", "outputMode" => "composed",
"partnerId" => 45811112, "password" => "", "projectId" => 45811112,
"reason" => "user initiated",
"sessionId" => "1_5c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb13-fg",
"sha256sum" => "97+5c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb135c48fb13=",
"size" => 1742751, "status" => "expired", "updatedAt" => 1491943883000,
"url" => nil}]
For more information on archiving, see the OpenTok archiving programming guide.
Reference documentation for API Rest is available at https://tokbox.com/developer/rest/.
You need an OpenTok API key and API secret, which you can obtain at https://dashboard.tokbox.com.
The ExOpenTok requires Elixir 1.2.
See the Releases page for details about each release.
See https://support.tokbox.com for all our support options.
Find a bug? File it on the Issues page. Hint: test cases are really helpful!