
Coursework for IronYard

Primary LanguageRuby


This is my root directory for my time at IronYard.


We discussed some stuff

DAY 02


Quiz a user on trivia relating to numbers pulled from the Numbers API.


Calculates BMI based on user input according to the formula found here.

Day 3 - January 7th 2015

Choose one!

Assignment 1:

Create a number guessing game. Game should pick a random number between 1 and 100 and ask you for a guess. If the guess is less than the number, inform the user and let them guess again. If the guess is greater than the number, inform the user and let them guess again. If the guess is correct, inform the user and quit.

Bonus: write the opposite program: you, the user, pick a number between 1 and 100. The computer has to guess the number. You tell it whether it’s too high, too low, or right on after each guess. The computer gets five guesses.

Assignment 2:

Create Blackjack. Use numbers 1-11 for cards instead of creating an entire deck! I want to be able to split on double cards and play both hands.

Bonus: create a dealer for the blackjack game. He doesn’t have to split.

deck- standard deck of cards
- next card
player- bankroll
- bet
- cards
- hit / stay
- split
dealer- is_busted?

Assignment 3:

Finish tic tac toe. Check for wins. Tell the user to move again if they choose a spot that is already taken.

Extra bonus.

Do all of the above - Will buy someone a beer on Friday if they do all of the above.

Day 4 - Jan 8th 2015

Horse racing game. (More complicated because they have Friday and the whole weekend)


  • Must use at least two classes Must have at least 4 horses (All horses can NOT be different classes!
  • User input must affect at least one horse’s speed Must out put the horses’ paths (even as simple as “—‘horse 1’”) as race progresses


  • classes
  • methods
  • passing arguments to methods
  • thinking about the design and how classes interface with each other
  • DRYness
  • making a complete & interesting & good program

Day 6 - January 12th 2015

Using your HTML and CSS knowledge, create a website about anything you would like.

Minimum of 3 pages (index, 2 others) Research, learn and document how to use 5 CSS tags and/or special properties Be ready to talk about them tomorrow during class!

Define a font

Define a font-family such that we select the font in order of preference, left-to-right, such that the first font will be used if it is available, otherwise it will continue down the list until an available font is found.

   body {
	  font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;

Center a wrapper

   div.wrapper {
	  max-width: 650px;
	  margin: 0 auto;

Create a circular border to an image using CSS

   header img {
	  width: 200px;
	  height: 200px;
	  border-radius: 100px;

Change appearence of a link when the pointer hovers over

   .navigation a:hover {
	  color: #4183C4;
	  font-weight: bold;

Make a list display horizontally

   .navigation li {
	  display: inline-block;
	  margin-right: 7px;

Increase the line height and letter spacing

   .main-content {
	  line-height: 1.4em;
	  letter-spacing: 0.05em;

Day 9 - January 15th 2014

Create a blog website no css required need each CRUD after edit, repopulate all the fields and then redirect front page- list of posts text area - research this and use it for content each post has a:

  • title
  • content

Research twitter bootstrap if you would like! http://getbootstrap.com/

./D09/screenshot.png ./D09

Day 11 - January 20th 2015


  • Create a rails application that has basic CRUD.
  • Any type of application is fine.
  • 1 model
  • 1 controller required
  • Strongly suggest doing more than 1!


I decdied to create a rails application to handle code snippets The apps hold snippets of code, associated with given user accounts.

Day 12 - January 21st 2015 - (Hospital v1)

We are creating a tracking system for a patient as he/she goes through a hospital. Today you will create the basic CRUD.

  • First name (Text field)
  • Last name (Text field)
  • Date of Birth (date selector field - Only dates 10 years or earlier)
  • Description (text field - Will be a description of why the patient is at the hospital)
  • Gender (Radio button)
  • Blood Type (Select box)
  • All of these fields are required!

See results here: https://github.com/tnez/hospital/tree/v1.0

Day 13 - January 22nd 2015 - (Hospital v2)

Change your relationships up a bit. You need to add Hospitals/Facilities and Medications. Your patients should live under your facilities and your medications should live under your patients. You should be able to create multiple facilities and have many patients there. Your medications should also be related to your patients. You should be able to have many medications.

See results here: https://github.com/tnez/hospital/tree/v2.0


Join tables Has Many Through relationships

Programmer Problems

  1. sort: ./ProgProblems/01-Sort.org
  2. FizzBuzz ./ProgProblems/02-FizzBuzz.org
  3. LadderClimber ./ProgProblems/03-LadderClimber.org