
Sample Exercise

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Canopy Sample Exercise

This project is a sample exercise designed for you to show us what you got! We are providing a minimally functional application with a backlog of user stories listed below. Pick a couple stories from the list below and show us what you can do!


Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • node >= 6
  • npm >= 3


  • create your own fork of this repository.
  • install dependencies
npm install


While developing I usually have two processes running in the terminal:

  • a dev server to watch, recompile, and serve
npm start
  • a process to watch and run tests on changes
npm test

More details about these and other available scripts can be found here.


Pick out the features you would like to work on from the list below, implement the given story and submit as a pull request back to this repository. I would prefer a separate pull request for each story you picked to work.

User Stories

Before diving into the stories below, a couple notes for your consideration:

  • don't worry about a persistence layer... to keep things simple, let's ignore data persistence, update the data state according to actions in the UI, but don't worry about trying to make it persist beyond a page refresh.

  • don't worry about authentication... let's just assume that an authenticated admin is viewing the page

  • Feel free to install any deps, but I would like you to stick with and build on the react + redux framework we are using in this project ... it is okay if you have never worked within react + redux in the past ... I think most of the following stories are simple enough cases in terms of data flow and I will include some resources at the bottom of this file.

  • I've rated the below stories in terms of points [1,2,4] where 1 is the easiest and 4 is the most difficult. This is only according to my own evaluation of the difficulties of the tasks. Your opinions may differ. I am simply providing for your reference.

  • Try to pick a couple stories from the list below that showcase your strengths, but also a variety of skills. Our ideal candidate will eventually be able to work across our entire application stack even if they have particular strengths in certain areas. This really is full-stack work (check out my language breakdown from the last week!)

Language Breakdown

  • okay, okay ... on to the stories!

Only allow completion of scheduled services

Points: 1 (easy), Focus: data-flow

Currently, the interface toggles the completion status (indicated by check mark) of a scheduled service. Admins agree that this led to errors and decided it would reduce those errors if the interface only allowed a non-completed item to be set as completed, but not be allowed to update from complete to incomplete.

Edit tech comment

Points: 2 (med), Focus: data-flow

As an admin, I would like to be able to edit a technicians comment in order to correct typos or override any questionable content should it arise. When I click on a tech comment I would like to be able to edit the comment body and set the text to whatever new value I choose. Note that I do not want customer comments to be edit-able.

Add ability to tag any comments

Points: 4 (hard), Focus: data-flow, styling

As an admin, it would be great if we could add an arbitrary tag to a given comment. For instance, I may want to add a flag tag to a comment that requires action from the service team. Or tech-review for a tag I want to relay to the technician to get their feedback. Feel free to implement however you see fit.

Delete comment

Points: 1 (easy), Focus: data-flow

As an admin, I would like to be able to delete technician comments as needed. For instance, look at Travis N's last comment. That one should probably be deleted. Again, it would be preferred if only comments from the technicians were allowed to be deleted.

Replace Canopy branding in top-bar

Points: 2 (med ... hard for me 😄), Focus: styling

The existing branding (really just text on a background), looks a little bland, and a little too much like Facebook to boot! As a customer, I would like to be a bit more inspired by the presentation of this page. See what you can do to give the branding a bit of a face-lift. No parameters really. Get creative! But simple can be good too!

Overhaul styling of entire page

Points: 4 (hard), Focus: styling

Similar to the last story (you should probably only do one of these because of the overlapping scope), go wild and give the entire page a face-lift. Get creative and see what you can come up with!

Better differentiation between customer and technician comments

Points: 2 (med), Focus: styling

As a customer or admin, when I look at the comment stream at the bottom of the page, it is easy to mix up who is talking to who. Adjust the styling so that we get a clearer picture of when the comment is a technician commenting to a customer, or when it is a customer commenting to the technician / service team. This can be as simple or as complex as you think it needs to be in order to better visually convey that meaning.

Redux Help

Don't worry if you are unfamiliar with redux, there are some concepts that may be new, especially if you've never used React or some kind of React-inspired framework. I've found official Redux docs to be extremely helpful. I would recommend reading through the entire Basics Section to get an idea of how data flows through the framework. You can also take a look at code in this sample project. Before you add any of the features listed above, there is really only one piece of data that is updated. When the scheduled services are clicked the completed state is toggled. You can take a look at the behavior in the interface and reference it back to the following relevant files:

Feel free to contact me with any questions.