
Grunt plugin for integrating karma reports with sonar

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

grunt-karma-sonar Build Status

Grunt plugin for integrating karma reports with sonar

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-karma-sonar --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "karma_sonar" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named karma_sonar to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  karma_sonar: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    your_target: {
      // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.



Type: String Default: 'reuseReports'

Should be the sonar.property dynamicAnalysis


Type: String Default: 'UTF-8'

Should be the sonar.property sourceEncoding


Type: String Default: 'js'

Should be the sonar.property language (Starting with SonarQube 4.2, multi-language projects are supported. To enable this, set the value to null)


Type: String Default: 'true'

Should be the sonar.property scmDisabled


Type: String Default: '.tmp/sonar/'

Should be the location where the karmaSonar plugin will put it's temporary files.


Type: Array Default: []

Should be a list of sonar properties to exclude


Type: String Default: 'http://localhost:9000'

Should be the sonar.property host.url


Type: String Default: 'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/sonar'

Should be the sonar.property jdbc.url


Type: String Default: 'sonar'

Should be the sonar.property jdbc.username


Type: String Default: 'sonar'

Should be the sonar.property jdbc.password


Type: String Default: 'admin'

Should be the sonar.property login


Type: String Default: 'admin'

Should be the sonar.property password


Type: Object

Should be the list of key(sonar key) value pairs.

runnerProperties: {
    'sonar.links.homepage': 'https://github.com/mdasberg/grunt-karma-sonar',
    'sonar.branch': 'master'


Type: Object, Mandatory: true

Should be the project information for sonar


Type: String Mandatory: true`

Should be the project key for sonar


Type: String Mandatory: true`

Should be the project name for sonar


Type: String

Should be the project version for sonar


Type: Array

Should be the paths that contain the code, tests and results


Type: String Default: '.'

Should be the current working directory that contain the source, tests and results folders are located


Type: String

Should be the directory containing the sources within the cwd.


Type: String

Should be the directory containing the tests within the cwd.


Type: Object

Should be the object containing the reports.


Type: String

Should be the location of the karma-junit-reporter report within the cwd.


Type: String

Should be the glob for the lcov.info files within the cwd.


Type: String

Should be the glob for the integration test lcov.info files within the cwd.

Usage Examples

Default Options

  karmaSonar: {
    options: {
    your_target: {
      project: {
        key: 'grunt-sonar',
        name: 'Grunt sonar plugin',
        version: '0.2.13'
      paths: [
          cwd: '...', // the current working directory'
          src: '...', // the source directory within the cwd
          test: '...', // the test directory within the cwd
          reports: {
              unit: '../path/result.xml', // the result file within the cwd
              coverage: '../path/**/lcov.info', // the glob for lcov files'
              itCoverage: '../path/**/lcov.info' // the glob for integration lcov files'
          cwd: '...', // the current working directory'
          src: '...', // the source directory within the cwd
          test: '...', // the test directory within the cwd
          reports: {
              unit: '../path/result.xml', // the result file within the cwd
              coverage: '../path/**/lcov.info', // the glob for lcov files'
              itCoverage: '../path/**/lcov.info' // the glob for integration lcov files'
      exclusions: []

Custom Options

In this example, custom options are used to do something else with whatever else. So if the testing file has the content Testing and the 123 file had the content 1 2 3, the generated result in this case would be Testing: 1 2 3 !!!

  karmaSonar: {
    options: {
      defaultOutputDir: '.tmp/sonar/custom_options/',
      instance: {
        hostUrl : 'http://localhost:20001',
        jdbcUrl : 'jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:20003/sonar',
        login: 'admin',
        password: 'admin'
    your_target: {
      project: {
        key: 'grunt-sonar',
        name: 'Grunt sonar plugin',
        version: '0.2.13'
      paths: [...],
      exclusions: []

Deciding Where To Get Sonar-runner from

By default, this package will download sonar-runner from https://repository.sonatype.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central-proxy&g=org.codehaus.sonar.runner&a=sonar-runner-dist&v=LATEST&p=zip, but only when sonar-runner is not available on the path.

Downloading from a custom URL

If for some reason sonatype is down, or the Great Firewall is blocking sonatype, you may need to use a download mirror url. To set a mirror, set npm config property sonarrunner_cdnurl. Default is ``.

npm install grunt-karma-sonar --sonarrunner_cdnurl=http://some-mirror.org/path/to/downloads

Or add property into your .npmrc file (https://www.npmjs.org/doc/files/npmrc.html)


Another option is to use PATH variable SONARRUNNER_CDNURL.

SONARRUNNER_CDNURL=http://some-mirror.org/path/to/downloads npm install grunt-karma-sonar

Note: It will try to find sonar-runner-dist.zip in the cdn url.

Downloading from a custom Dir

If for some reason sonatype is down, or the Great Firewall is blocking sonatype, you may need to use a download mirror directory. To set a mirror, set npm config property sonarrunner_cdndir. Default is ``.

npm install grunt-karma-sonar --sonarrunner_cdndir=/some/path/downloads

Or add property into your .npmrc file (https://www.npmjs.org/doc/files/npmrc.html)


Another option is to use PATH variable SONARRUNNER_CDNDIR.

SONARRUNNER_CDNDIR=/some/path/downloads npm install grunt-karma-sonar

Note: It can be the case that there are multiple versions available at the download mirror. If this is the case the latest version will be used.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)