
Love Generator + Animal Crossing Villager API

Users are able to put in two names and see how compatible on a scale of 0-100 they are. They will also receive an Animal Crossing villager based on the compatibility value that they were given!

lovegen jpg

How It's Made:

Languages/frameworks use: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


My thoughts are pretty similar to the previous complex API. Tldr: API's are HARD to first work with, but after so much practice, you know what you're looking for. There's also not a lot of API's to really least not in the way you want it to be used. Initially had wanted a garden API but for some reason those are pretty difficult to find... Mushroom API's are also pretty elusive as well. I wish this project made more sense, but it was between an Animal Crossing villager and a math fact....and math facts feel kinda boring!