
Dynamic menus using dmenu and optionally sqlite

Primary LanguageShell


Create dynamic menus with dmenu.

The script takes one parameter, the menu name. It then checks for a $name.menu in ~/.menu and executes that, piping the output into dmenu. If this file does not exist, it next checks for a $name.sqlite in ~/.menu and reads the commands from that database using a weight.

The result of dmenu is then piped through a $name.post, if existing.

The command can be terminated with a symbol to trigger a special action:

  • ; the command will be opened in a seperate urxvt window
  • ! the command will be preceeded with gksu
  • ? the command will be preceeded with m


# 1. clone dynmenu to .menu
git clone https://github.com/Kasalehlia/dynmenu.git ~/.menu

# 2. create database and fill database with commands

# 3. change your window managers hotkey for dmenu to
~/.menu/menu main

# rerun step 2 for new commands

Optional: On Debian/Ubuntu you can copy 99menu-update to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ to register menu-update as apt hook. Remember to adjust the path to the menu-update script according to your setup.