This is a nice little photo sharing web application to manage photos and share with friends and family. I've recently open sourced it. I'd like to give it a bit of love and uplift.
High level project goals:
- Implement some form of server federation
- Promote security, privacy, and user sovereignty of data
- Promote a positive and wholesome photo sharing experience
- Interoperate with bigger fish
In order to run the application, you need a .env file in the project root directory defining variables:
$SECRET_KEY - django secret key
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python migrate
$ python runserver 0:8000
Recommend creating and sourcing a venv first.
You may run docker-compose up -d to easily spin up a postgres database on port 5433. is configured for this port.
Need same .env file as above.
$ ./ build
$ ./ run
You will probably run into a problem connecting to the database from the Docker container locally.
You will need to provide the correct DATABASE_URL in your .env.
Create file deploy-debian/.env-debian as described in deploy-debian/README.
$ cd deploy-debian
$ ./
$ ./
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Note that AWS support is not quite production ready. Files won't be persisted.
In order to deploy onto AWS, you need a .env_aws file in the project root directory defining variables:
$REGION - the region to deploy the application in
$AWSID - the AWS user ID which will be deploying the application
There is another repository, camelot-infrastructure (
which contains Terraform code to deploy on AWS. From that repository root, run:
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Then from this repository root, run:
$ ./ build
$ ./ push
Then login to a shell with ./ and run python migrate.
You may need to run aws configure first to provide your credentials, if you haven't already.
The application can be interacted with via an API.
This functionality is exercised by the script at