
Simple Quake3 docker server built on IOQuake3

IOQuake3 Server

This Dockerfile will build a container that houses an IOQuake3 Server. A legitimate copy of Quake 3 is required in order to run it. The Quake 3 engine is open source, however the pak0.pk3 file is not.

Install instructions

Clone this repo.

Modify your q3config_server.cfg file. Set your rcon (remote connection) password, and other config parameters. Details on how to configure the server config file are all over Google.

In this case, on line 41 it is set to:

seta rconpassword "quakelan"

Obtain pak0.pk3 from a purchased copy of Quake 3. This is required to run the server. This can be found in your Steam Quake 3 folder.

Place it in the same folder as this cloned repo.

Build the container image and tag it by the name "quake3"

docker build . -t quake3

Because I am unable to get Docker to run the Server with the proper arguments (although it SHOULD work), I recommend running the container in interactive mode with Tmux, starting a map, and then detaching from the session.

Run the container:

docker run --name quake3 -it -p quake3

After you start the server (next step) detatch from the terminal by means of CTRL+b then d.

Start the Server

While in an interactive terminal with the container, start the server with a map of your choosing:

map q3dm1

To see all the maps on the server, type "map" followed by a space and a tab to see all maps on the server.

If launched with tmux, then detach (CTRL+b then d)

Remotely Administer the Server

in the console:

To change the map:

\rcon "quakelan" map q3dm3

To kick someone:

\rcon "quakelan" kick <name>

To add a bot:

\rcon addbot "<bot name>" "skill level [1-5]"