This is an example URL shortener project (like or tinyurl), implemented using F#, Giraffe, PostgreSQL and Npgsql.FSharp.
It includes a Test project as well as github actions configured for running these tests on every push to github.
This project is designed for .NET 5.0.
Assuming you are new to Giraffe, my article Understanding the ASP.NET Core Boilerplate may also be helpful.
First, you'll need to initialize a PostgreSQL database with Db/init.sql. It's beyond the scope of this README to teach you how to set up Pg, but if you want to get started quickly, you can use the devpg like this:
devpg -i Db/init.sql -i Db/sample-data.sql
Second, you'll need to set URL_SHORTENER_CONNECTION_STRING
environmental variables to a connection string.
If using devpg
, this would look like:
export URL_SHORTENER_CONNECTION_STRING="Host=localhost; Port=15432; Database=postgres; Username=postgres; Password=password;"
Finally, you can run the application with:
dotnet restore
dotnet watch run --project UrlShortener
dotnet test --no-restore --verbosity normal UrlShortener.Tests