Lens × SuperFluid

The problem CrowdLensStreaming solves

This enables fans and supporters to engage their peers in crowdfunding, fostering a strong community and dynamic crowdfunding.

Challenges in crowdfunding.

  • Static mechanisms like ALL or Nothing
  • One-way request for financial support from supporters
  • Costly return offers such as food or products

With this product,

  • Money can be withdrawn at any time, even if the target amount is not reached.
  • Fans and supporters can set up multiple crowdfunding projects themselves
  • Success is the best return. A system where the community voluntarily supports the product.
  • This could be utilised when social apps such as YouTube, Twitch as well as Lens are connected to web3, and can be used for a wide range of applications such as supporting entrepreneurs or specific projects.
  • You are not the only supporter. You don't have to be rich.
  • Expand your fan community while increasing your support.

These are only possible with Lens x Superfluid!

Challenges I ran into

In fact, it was my first experience to create a single application all by myself.

  • Solidity compile error
  • Type definitions and error handling in Typescript
  • Error handling of Route/NextImage using Next.js
  • Handle Query using LensClient
  • Contract State using SuperFluid To solve these problems, I read the Docs several times, completed the tutorials uploaded on YouTube, and asked questions in the Discord community.