FTAD - Fine-grained Turn-taking Action Dataset

Dataset for paper "Human-to-Human Conversation Dataset for Learning Fine-grained Turn-taking Action".





Data statistic

Dataset summary

# of sessions 2438
Avg. session length 6.33min
Word per minute 201
# of Utterances per session 141.20
# of Utterances per minute 22.27
# of DPs$ per session 195.32
# of DPs per minute 30.85
# of DPs(w/o Wait) per minute 13.43
Avg. DP alignment error 420ms

Action Distribution

Action FTAD-sw
Grab_Response 23.7%
Grab_Backchannel 6.1%
Grab_Silence 0.03%
Break_Ignore 3.77%
Break_Release 2.17%
Keep 0.56%
Release 0.88%
Grab_Backchannel_Break 4.71%
Grab_Response_Break 1.34%
Wait&Wait_Silence 56.66%


All data files are under data

  • utterrances contains the strutural annotation of dialogue transcription

    • utter.txt: corpus of dialogue, with each line as an IPU, column separated by tab
    • decision.txt: the list of turn-taking decision points and corresponding actions of each dialogue, column separated by tab
  • tasks contains the turn-taking prediction task data constructed from utterrances, with train dev test contain each of the following task data file:

    • eot.txt: end of turn prediction
    • break.txt: response prediction at opponent's interruption
    • word_backchannel.txt: sequential prediction task for backchannel
    • response_latency.txt: expected response time prediction

Data format

Schema for utter.txt

  • session_id: session id from Switchboard
  • type: from one speaker’s perspective, 'user' stand for the opponent and 'agent' stand for himself.
  • id: utterance sequential id for each speaker, starting from 0
  • begin_time: begin time (in milliseconds) of current utterance
  • end_time: end time (in milliseconds) of current utterance
  • begin_decision_id: corresponding decision point id at utterance begin, -1 means no DP can be associated to this utterance. Only available for agent utterrances.
  • end_decision_id: corresponding decision point id at utterance end, -1 means no DP can be associated to this utterance. Only available for agent utterrances.
  • text: the utterrance text
  • ext_msg: some additional annotations generated by pipeline, like shrink tag etc.

Schema for decision.txt

  • session_id: session id from Switchboard
  • id: id of decision point
  • time: timestamp for the decision point
  • state: duplex state of the dialogue at the moment of DP (illustrated at the top)
  • bias: the error (in milliseconds) of the aligment between DP at closest utterance, negative value means utterance's event comes before DP
  • act: the action which suject has taken at this DP
  • ext_msg: some additional annotations generated by pipeline

Schema for break.txt

  • context:last three utterrances before DP, separated by '|'
  • subject_utterrance: the suject utterrance being interrupted
  • opponent_utterrance: the utterrance interrupting the subject by the opponent
  • label: 1 means subject accept the interruption and stop speech, while 0 means opposite.

Schema for eot.txt

  • context:last three utterrances before DP, separated by '|'
  • subject_utterrance: the suject utterrance being interrupted
  • label: 1 means end of turn, 0 means not

Schema for response_latency.txt

  • context:last three utterrances before DP, separated by '|'
  • opponent_utterrance: the utterrance interrupting the subject by the opponent
  • label: 0,1,2 as three time segment

Schema for response_latency.txt

  • word_seq:the word sequence of the opponent’s utterrance
  • label_seq: 1 means the position where the suject takes a backchannel