:rocket: A React component with a collection of 300+ minimal circular SVG country flags. Wrapper of HatScripts/circle-flags
- 3
Missing languages
#45 opened by WebDev-Akhil - 1
- 5
Some images are not showing
#41 opened by Zer0NimO-web - 2
Country Code for EU is not working
#25 opened by apriltaoyvr - 4
Some flags are not showing anymore
#24 opened by silvio-e - 2
Support for react 17
#18 opened by timtinan37 - 3
View config getter callback for component 'img' must be a function (received 'undefined'). Make sure to start component names with a capital letter.
#17 opened by BazingaZeta - 5
Add the posibility to use your own CDN
#14 opened by tnovau - 4
flags dont work anymore
#12 opened by Manubi - 0
Validate if countryCode is valid
#9 opened by tnovau - 0
Name convention
#3 opened by damianpumar