
Some samples and tools

Primary LanguageBatchfile

LISTSAMPLE shows how to use commands with parms (list-parms).

SETFREE shows how to manipulate the source-code to add colors (if, endif etc).

RLSNSURG shows how to reenable disabled userprofiles for the NETSERVER shares.

FileDef_Proc shows how to declare a file within an procedure.

DSPUIMWDW shows how to use API QUILNGTX for a easy window.

CLCEAP is an example how to calculate a checkdigit with mod10

CRYPT, CRYPTIFSCL and CRYPTIFSC1: encrypt or decrypt streamfiles via openssh and tdes

AUFAN2RG, AUFAN2DF shows how to make a autorefreshing subfileprogram with DTAQ (example).

ZSSLCLRG is an example for a tls/ssl client application using the socket/gsk-api's from scott klement

GETWEBF/GETWEBFRG uses the UDF HTTPGETBLOB to download a file from the web onto your ifs (example: GETWEBF URL('http://www.liferadio.tirol/webcam/Studio1.jpg') PATH('/tmp/Studio.jpg') )