Chat app with socket using multi-thread and built by client/server model

There are two parts of this project. Link of client side

Socket packet in Java doesn't support us with thread management so I write some more classes in this project to handle that. I was inspired by - a library in the other programming language (Javascript). On it, there are many avaiable methods to handle multi-client connect to server.

▷ Program functions list

  • Show online users list (update realtime)
  • Chatting with global or someone (on general chat box), notice when someone online/offline

▷ Demo

  • Show online users list

Ảnh chụp màn hình 2022-10-20 082230 image image

  • Chatting with global or someone (on general chat box), notice when someone online/offline

image image image

▷ Author: F.O.G_ntp(nguyenthanhphong)