
Wheel Picker for React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Wheel Picker

React Native Wheel Picker is released under the MIT license. Current npm package version. Number of downloads per week.

A flexible React Native Wheel Picker for iOS and Android without using the native side.

On iOS

On Android




yarn add @quidone/react-native-wheel-picker



If you want to see more examples and experiment, run the examples locally.

git clone git@github.com:quidone/react-native-wheel-picker.git
cd react-native-wheel-picker
yarn install
cd example && yarn install && yarn ios

Simple case

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import WheelPicker from '@quidone/react-native-wheel-picker';

const data = [...Array(100).keys()].map((index) => ({
  value: index,
  label: index.toString(),

const App = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
  return (
      onValueChanged={({item: {value}}) => setValue(value)}

export default App;

Native Feedback

You can trigger native sound and impact with @quidone/react-native-wheel-picker-feedback and onValueChanging event

// ...
import WheelPickerFeedback from '@quidone/react-native-wheel-picker-feedback';

const App = () => {
  return (
      onValueChanging={() => {




  • data [array] - items of picker
  • value? [any] - current value of picker item
  • itemHeight? [number] - height of picker item in the center.
  • width? [number | string] - width of picker.
  • onValueChanging? [function] - An event that is triggered when the value is changing.
  • onValueChanged? [function] - An event that is triggered when the value is changed (wheel is stopped and no touch).
  • keyExtractor? [function] - key extractor from picker item.
  • renderItem? [function] - render picker item content.
  • renderItemContainer? [function] - render picker item container (there is animated container).
  • renderOverlay? [function | null] - render overlay over the picker.
  • renderList? [function] - render list (Advanced, It is not recommended to use).
  • style? [object | array] - root style.
  • itemTextStyle? [object | array] - item text style for picker item.
  • overlayItemStyle? [object | array] - style for the overlay element in the center
  • scrollEventThrottle? [object | array] - original


This hook returns the item height which was passed via props.


This hook returns the animated value of the ScrollView offset.


This HOC returns virtualized picker

import WheelPicker, {withVirtualized} from '@quidone/react-native-wheel-picker';

const VirtualizedWheelPicker = withVirtualized(WheelPicker);

Additional props

  • initialNumToRender? (default = 3) - original.
  • maxToRenderPerBatch? (default = 3) - original.
  • windowSize? - original.
  • updateCellsBatchingPeriod? (default = 10) - original.

👨‍💻 Author

Sergey Rozhkov

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🤝 Contributing

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

📄 License

Quidone React Native Wheel Picker is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

Made with create-react-native-library