


  • new() return reference of data
  • make() would return data structure of reference like
  v := make(map[string]string)
  v["aaa"] = this would be referenced

so when we have

  v := make(map[string]string)
  func (v map[string]string){
    v["some string"] -> this is referenced type. it will effect v outside this function
  • return value sematic
  func v() type{}
  • escape means resolution when using reference between 2 stack like
  func foo() *type{}
  func main(){
    v := foo()

so they move/escape data from memory of stack to heap, heap like common place of shared memory that used between 2 stack.

  • better to write
var u user
err := json.Unmashal([]byte("..."), &u)
return &u


var u &user
err := json.Unmashal([]byte("..."), &u)
return u

you can see this scope of function and sharing like this function finally return sharing object. it's about focusing.

  • you can see data movement by...
go build -gcflags "-m -m"


  • compiler translation
  type X sturct{ p int }
  x2 := &X{}
  x2.p = &i2
  //translate to
  (*x2).p = &i2

and i2 escape to heap

  • cmd to see memory movement when ... is expected function
go test -gcflags "-m -m" -run none -bench ... -benchmem -memprofile mem.out
  • memory display tool
go tool pprof -alloc_space mem.out
  • sometime, compiler doesn't work properly (depends on version also). sometime the escape/kickout some in-stack variable to heap.

  • benchmark and memory profiling, we will get rate info like ns/op, alloc/op

go test -run none -bench . -benchtime 3s -benchmem -memprofile mem.out
  • doing interface when being a argument, it'll move that argument to heap when call that function(interface-converted) like
foo(Reader d){}
//someReader will be moved to Heap
  • Some stuff it too large to put in to stack, so it move to heap, also dynamic stuff such as slice that have unknow size as well.

Profiling & Tracer

  • Profiling
go build -o app .
time ./app > p.out
go tool pprof p.out
  • Tracer
go build -o app .
time ./app > t.out
go tool trace t.out
  • STW => stop the world, Thread still work during GC free memory,
  • Go always use number of thread as number of processor we have, seems like -> it send gorountine to run in thread.
  • GC Mark -> Remove