
Label tabular data directly in Jupyter Notebook / Lab

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Label tabular data directly in Jupyter Notebook / Lab.


Scratching my own itch to have a tabular data labelling tool that fits within the established data science workflow, without having to export data to a separate annotation tool.


Disclaimer: early WIP, currently looks like this:

from nblabel import label

    df, # The dataframe to use
    x_col="x", y_col="y", # Columns for x-axis and y-axis
    labels=["a", "b", "c"], # Specify what labels to use
    default_label="b", # Specify what default label to populate
    label_col_name="selected", # Column to store labels
    title="nblabeller" # Plot title

Save the df when you are done:


Data source: Datasaurus by Alberto Cairo


On top of packages that you probably already have: pandas, numpy, traitlets (comes with Jupyter), nblabel depends on ipywidgets and bqplot.

  1. Install ipywidgets, follow the installation instructions depending on which Jupyter you are using: https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_install.html
  2. pip install git+https://github.com/tnwei/nblabel

Project based on the cookiecutter-datascience-lite template.