
ip lookup with php and api

Primary LanguagePHP


Use file ip-lookup-v0.3.php

Files ip-lookup-v0.1.php and ip-lookup-v0.2.php are old!

IP lookup with PHP and using free API

We will use free API from: www.freegeoip.net (it was without Access Key), www.ip-api.com and www.ipinfo.io (without Access Key, no signup is required actually)

but www.freegeoip.net = www.ipstack.com now, and the new API is with free Access Key ... You must sign up and to get your own key.

read more: https://github.com/apilayer/freegeoip#readme

demo of this php script: http://tools.eti.pw/ip-lookup.php

demo: www.iplookup.eti.pw

Note: Keyless access to Google Maps Platform is deprecated since June 11th, 2018 Go to: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/maps/ and GET KEY ...

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