
A calling card for the internet

Primary LanguagePython


Documentation Status

Server development

You will need:

  • Python 3.7 or later (brew install python@3.7)
  • Pipenv (brew install pipenv)
  • PostgreSQL (brew install postgres or Postgres.app)
  • yarn (brew install yarn)

Ensure the development database exists:

createdb wheretofindme

Set the following environment variables in a .env file in the repo root:

export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(uuidgen)
export DJANGO_DEBUG=True

Use pipenv to get the database into a good state:

$ pipenv sync --dev
$ pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Then get the frontend building:

$ yarn install
$ yarn serve

Then, you can visit the local site at http://localhost:8000/. The terminal output will say :8080, but ignore it, it's a liar.


To add Python dependencies:

$ pipenv install (--dev) <dep name>

To add JavaScript dependencies:

$ yarn add (--dev) <dep name>


The Python tests are written using pytest, pytest-django, pytest-cov, and pytest-factoryboy. You can run them easily with yarn py:test:unit.

The JavaScript tests are written using Jest and Vue's unit-test helpers. You can run them easily with yarn js:test:unit.

We require 100% test coverage on both parts. We will gladly help you with any test-writing issues you may have.