
Datasets for Diablo III Action Role-Playing Game


Various Datasets for Diablo III Action Role-Playing Game

Diablo III RoS


Diablo III is a popular action role-playing game which was developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, and over 20 million copies have been sold until today.

The game was first released in May 2012, then its expansion set, Reaper of Souls, was available in March 2014. Alhtough no further expansions have been developed afterwards (except Rise of the Necromancer DLC), this RPG game was kept up-to-date by receiving new contents, seasons, landmarks, monsters and quality of life improvements patch by patch.

In more than 8 years of its existence, Diablo III is still being played by several players worldwide, mainly due to three-months-long seasons that include conquests, ladders, season-wide unique buffs for fresh competitions.

The datasets I've compiled and provided here, containing various data, depend on the PC version of this game with the latest released patch (2.6.10).

Stay tuned for analyses of these data inside!

Available Datasets

  • Game difficulties - Info about effects of baseline difficulty up to the highest one
  • Gem attributes - Gem effects when socketed into items
  • Legendary gems - Legendary gems with their powerful effects when sockets into items
  • Chacracter level XP - Character level experience requirements between 1-70
  • Magic Item Properties - Available prefixes and suffixes for magic items (level 70 only; the list might be incomplete)
  • Paragon level XP - Paragon level experience requirements (up to 800; some missing values exist)
  • Quest level ranges - Level requirements for quests in the story campaign before 2.0.1 was released
  • Unique monsters - Name and titles of unique monsters in all acts (the list might be incomplete)


Many of these data were obtained from Diablo III's Official Web Site, and the rest (such as XP, monsters) were collected by myself.

Spoiler ALERT!

If you never played this game before, or have played it for a while but did not return for a very long time, keep in mind that these datasets contain heavy amount of spoilers about the game! Inspect them at your own risk!

Future Plans

In the future, I'd like to create more individual datasets with these categories below, for more utilization of my analyses:

  • Weapons
  • Armors
  • Artisans
  • Character Skills