I've seen lots of cheat sheets from various sources ion the Internet, presents many commands related to Git version control. Here are the most useful ones below:
Also uploaded Git Cheat Sheets images that explain the commands with some visuals. Be sure to check them out above!
Clone an existing repository: $ git clone <github_url>
Create a new local repository: $ git init
See the latest status in your working directory: $ git status
See changes to tracked files: $ git diff
See changes between two commits: $ git diff <commit_ID1> <ommit_ID2>
Add all current changes to the next commit: $ git add .
Add some changes in file to the next commit: $ git add -p <file>
Commit all local changes in tracked files: $ git commit -a
Commit previously staged changes: $ git commit
Commit staged changes with a message: $ git commit -m <message>
All all changes made to tracked files and commit: $ git commit -am <message>
Change the last commit: $ git commit --amend
Show all commits, starting with the newest on top: $ git log
Show changes over time for a specific file: $ git log -p <file>
Who changed what and when in file: $ git blame <file>
List all existing branches: $ git branch
Switch to the branch: $ git checkout <branch>
Create a new branch based on your current HEAD: $ git branch <new_branch>
Create a new branch and switch to it: $ git checkout -b <new_branch>
Create a new tracking branch based on a remote branch: $ git checkout --track <remote/branch>
Delete a local branch: $ git branch -d <branch>
Mark the current commit with a tag: $ git tag <tag_name>
List all currently configured remotes: $ git remote -v
Show information about a remote: $ git remote show <remote>
Add new remote repository, named 'remote': $ git remote add <shortname> <url>
Download all changes from 'remote', but don't integrate into HEAD: $ git fetch <remote>
Download changes and directly merge/integrate into HEAD: $ git pull <remote> <branch>
Publish local changes on a remote: $ git push <remote> <branch>
Delete a branch on the remote: $ git branch -dr <remote/branch>
Publish your tags: $ git push --tags
Merge branch into your current HEAD: $ git merge <branch>
Rebase your current HEAD onto branch: $ git rebase <branch>
Abort a rebase: $ git rebase --abort
Continue a rebase after resolving conflicts: $ git rebase --continue
User your configured merge tool to solve conflicts: $ git mergetool
Move/rename a file and stage move: $ git mv <existing_path> <new_path>
Remove a file from working directory and staging area, then stage the removal: $ git rm <file>
Remove from staging area only: $ git rm --cached <file>
Discard all local changes in your working directory: $ git reset --hard HEAD
Discard local changes in a specific file: $ git checkout HEAD <file>
Revet a commit (by producing a new commit with contrary changes): $ git revert <commit>
Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit and discard all changes since then: $ git reset --hard <commit>
And preserve all changes as unstaged changes: $ git reset <commit>
And preserve uncommitted local changes: $ git reset --keep <commit>
I had performed a demonstration to push files from my local repository to this remote repo here.
It worked by using git push
, including two other git commands beforehand: remote
and branch
These commands had been entered inside git bash while in my local directory:
git remote add origin <clone-url>
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main