
HTML5 Canvas and Web Audio API based spectrograph app. Live demo @ https://spectrogramjs.netlify.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spectrograph Screen Shot

I had a free day, so I thought I'd mess around with the Web Audio API a bit. I've always wanted to create a really large displayed spectrograph app with easy controls for zooming in/out on specific frequency bands and controlling latency. It's also capable of flipping between linear and logarithmic plotting, which is kinda a neat feature.

Not a bad day's work for my first at bat with this API.

I am hoping to use this API for visual reference while I'm experimenting with the various pitch detection algorithms I'm developing for my next adventure.


  1. Maybe fix the toolbar styling to be a bit more mobile friendly.

  2. Add a image download feature?

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo:

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run webpack:

    npm start

Should open up automatically at http://localhost:3000

Instructions not included

  1. Hit the spacebar or 'k' key to pause